The co-founder of the first Ukrainian business accelerator for technological startups of the GrowthUP.
One of the leaders of the Ukrainian venture and entrepreneurial community. Member of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Boards of a number of startups in Ukraine and Russia.
Founder and/or organiser of several significant industry events: IDCEE, iForum, Silicon Valley Open Doors, Startup Crash Test, etc. Teacher of the course "Entrepreneurship" in the leading Ukrainian business school - "MIM-Kiev".
The author of one of the most popular in Ukraine hi-tech and VC blogs. The publisher of the Steve Blank book "The Four Steps to the Epiphany" in Russian.
Graduated from the Kiev Polytechnic Institute (1996) and International Institute of Management, MBA Program (2000). Prior to founding BVU Group, held C-level positions in telecom companies. Founded several local companies.
10:40—11:00. The 5th Stream
It is considered that transformation of education in the world will take place along vectors of the main system problems of education. Actual problems that will influence on the transformations:
- increasing technological and mental gap between generation that teaches and that learning
- transition to online and transformation of lecturers from speakers to mentors
- development of the "clip thinking" among young people
- lack of motivation among students (95% does not finish a remote course)
- dispersion of focus in education and emergence of synthetic specialities
- reduction of universities role in education
14:20—14:40. Internet business / Startups